Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Legal Custody, Decision-Making, Parenting Time and Visitation

A Note on Terms. Some people use the term “legal custody”. However, Arizona courts generally do not use this terminology anymore, but instead use the term “legal decision-making”. The same thing with “visitation”, the courts generally use the term “parenting time” and "visitation" means something altogether different.

Legal Custody = Legal Decision-Making
Visitation = Parenting Time

And One More Note. Please don’t take this as legal advice or opinion. I am not an attorney, nor do I work for an attorney. This is my personal take on and understanding of these issues. If you need to discuss the specifics of your case please seek the advice of an experienced family law attorney.

So what exactly is legal decision-making? Legal decision-making is simply who has input and power over the major decisions that affect the child. These are things such as whether the child gets braces or where the child goes to school. Legal decision-making has nothing to do with who physically has the child or how much time each parent spends with the child.

There are two ways that legal decision-making can be ordered:

Joint Legal Decision-Making – this simply means that both parents share in the decision-making in regards to the child, and neither parent has greater authority than the other. What this boils down to is that both parents must agree on all major decisions. If they can’t it probably means another trip to court to resolve the issue. An example:

Mother wants the child to get braces, but father disagrees. The parents share joint legal decision-making, so in this situation the mother cannot just go ahead and get the child braces without father’s permission.

Sole Legal Decision-Making – this simply means that the parent with sole legal decision-making can make major decisions regarding the child even without the other parent’s agreement. To continue our example above:

Mother wants the child to get braces, but father disagrees. Mother has sole legal decision-making, so in this situation the mother can go ahead and get the child braces even though the father objects.

And what exactly is parenting time? Parenting time is pretty much how it sounds. It is the schedule that determines which parent has the child and when.

Tied in with parenting time is the concept of who is the “primary residential parent”. The primary residential parent is simply the parent who the child spends the majority of the time with.

Broadly speaking, there are three ways that parenting time can be ordered:

Mother as the primary residential parent, with father having some form of parenting time – The child’s mother has the child 51% of the time or more, and the child’s father has some form of parenting time schedule outlining what time he has with the child. An example:

“Mother is named as the child’s primary residential parent subject to father’s parenting time as follows: Father will have parenting time with the child on alternating weekends from 7 p.m. Friday evening until 7 p.m. the following Sunday evening. Mother will have the child in her care at all other times.”

Father as the primary residential parent, with mother having some form of parenting time – The child’s father has the child 51% of the time or more, and the child’s mother has some form of parenting time/visitation schedule outlining what time she has with the child. An example:

“Father is named as the child’s primary residential parent subject to mother’s parenting time as follows: Mother will have parenting time with the child on alternating weekends from 7 p.m. Friday evening until 7 p.m. the following Sunday evening. Father will have the child in his care at all other times.”

Equal physical custody, with neither parent named as the primary residential parent – The child’s parents each have the child exactly 50% of the time, and neither parent has the child more than the other. There will be some form of parenting time/visitation schedule outlining which parent has the child during which times. An example:

“Parents will share equal physical custody of the child, with neither parent acting as the primary residential parent. In the absence of other agreement, parents shall share parenting time in alternating one week blocks (i.e. mother will have the child for one week, and then father shall have the child the next week; this pattern will then continue). Pick up and drop off of the child shall occur on Friday nights at 7 p.m.”

So where does that leave us? Just as legal decision-making has nothing to do with parenting time, parenting time has nothing to do with decision-making. They are separate, but they are both part of a court’s custody order. Given the above, we are left with the following possible types of custody order:

Joint Legal Decision-Making with Mother named as the Primary Residential Parent – the parents have to agree on all major decisions related to their child. The child will be spending more than half the time with mother, and father will have some form of parenting time/visitation.

Joint Legal Decision-Making with Father named as the Primary Residential Parent - the parents have to agree on all major decisions related to their child. The child will be spending more than half the time with father, and mother will have some form of parenting time/visitation.

Joint Legal Decision-Making with parents sharing Equal Physical Custody - the parents have to agree on all major decisions related to their child. The child will be spending an equal amount of time between the parents’ homes, and there will be some form of parenting time schedule outlining who has the child and when.

Sole Legal Decision Making to the Mother with Mother named as the Primary Residential Parent – mother has final say on all major decisions related to their child (typically after reasonable consultation with father). The child will be spending more than half the time with mother, and father will have some form of parenting time/visitation.

Sole Legal Decision Making to the Mother with Father named as the Primary Residential Parent - mother has final say on all major decisions related to their child (typically after reasonable consultation with father). The child will be spending more than half the time with father, and mother will have some form of parenting time/visitation. I have never seen this arrangement in the ten years I have been doing custody cases and doubt I ever will.

Sole Legal Decision Making to the Mother with parents sharing Equal Physical Custody - mother has final say on all major decisions related to their child (typically after reasonable consultation with father). The child will be spending an equal amount of time between the parents’ homes, and there will be some form of parenting time schedule outlining who has the child and when.

Sole Legal Decision Making to the Father with Mother named as the Primary Residential Parent - father has final say on all major decisions related to their child (typically after reasonable consultation with mother). The child will be spending more than half the time with mother, and father will have some form of parenting time/visitation. I have never seen this arrangement in the ten years I have been doing custody cases and doubt I ever will.

Sole Legal Decision Making to the Father with Father named as the Primary Residential Parent - father has final say on all major decisions related to their child (typically after reasonable consultation with mother). The child will be spending more than half the time with father, and mother will have some form of parenting time/visitation.

Sole Legal Decision Making to the Father with parents sharing Equal Physical Custody - father has final say on all major decisions related to their child (typically after reasonable consultation with mother). The child will be spending an equal amount of time between the parents’ homes, and there will be some form of parenting time schedule outlining who has the child and when.

